Saturday, July 9, 2011


Ah, the scale...hated by so many but yet we long for it's approval. I bought this lovely contraption this past holiday weekend before I lost all self-control and ate everything that was put in front of me.  I can it a frienemy for a few reasons. I love it because it told me what I hadn't realized, which is, I'm a lot closer to a weight goal I have had for a long time. Ok, I'll spill it, I'm only a few pounds shy of being under 200 for the first time in I don't remember. I honestly can't think of the last time I weighed less than 200 pounds. Maybe high school?? Either way, I was reassured to know that, at least over the last year or so, I've lost about 12 pounds. It could be better if I stepped up the exercise and better controlled my diet but to think I've made at least some progress, even though it doesn't show nearly as much as I'd like it to, makes me feel like there is hope; a light at the end of the tunnel. It's like this: If I can make some progress with as little effort as I've put in the past year (barely any exercise and only occasionally eating properly) think of what kind of changes I can make to my mind, body, and soul if I put all 100%+ into it?! Very motivating. I won't for one second pretend that my medication didn't help in some aspect of this weigh- loss-without-effort almost miracle but with my health, I need all the help I can get!! So while the scale can be depressing, evil, and demotivating, I've also found that it can be just the spark you need to kick it into overdrive ;-)

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